Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What Has This Blog Become??

Hey Guys, I am just doing a quick post, because I feel I really need to. I'm sorry for the pile of sh*t this blog has been lately, and I really feel I do owe my readers an apology. I have hardly been typecasting, and really just haven't been keeping up as much as I used to with the typosphere. I'[m by no means saying that my interest is waning, it's just that I'm getting ready for my Senior prom, getting ready for college, and preparing for my graduation, which is in a little over a month. So as you can clearly see, it's been a little hectic, and whenever I feel like I wanna do a typecast, it's either really late at night or I just end up falling asleep at my typewriter! So, I promise that within these next few days, I'll be doing a typecast, and it'll be a typewriter showdown! I'm not giving away any names of machines, but let's just say that they're favorites of mine, and they definitely will be great going against each other for this 1960's showdown! So, please accept my apologies, and I really am going to try to get this blog back where it used to be!


  1. Good to have you post again. Do not worry about typecasting. As you are finding, this is perhaps the busiest time of your life. It will be one of good times and great memories (but busy). Have a great time at the prom.

  2. Hi Matt, You sound busy, relax. Typewriters are a durable technology, more durable than their users even. They (and you readers) will still be around after things quieten down. We have a different education system in the UK and there was neither pomp, ceremony or prom to worry about. Though school leavers here do seem now to be adopting the US prom tradition in the form of evening wear, limos and some sort of party.

  3. No need to apologize. Like the others said, enjoy the prom!

  4. A few of us vaguely remember those distant years. Give yourself time to have fun: we're not going anywhere.

  5. Here is some inspiration for prom night:

  6. Thanks guys! You'll like the typecast I'm putting up soon!
