Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Amazing News!


  1. I saw your blog mentioned in the Philly paper, congratulations on that and the interview. Its certainly exciting and fun!

  2. Fantastic, Matt -- congratulations on the interview!

    You're one of the most dedicated typecasters, by the way, so don't apologize for any irregularities.

    And thanks for the plug.

  3. That's great! I can't wait to read the interview.
    I'm going to type on my FP now you've inspired me.

  4. No problem about the plug, Mr. Polt! I really love what you did with that Hermes! And thanks, Deek, and I completely agree that it's really exciting and fun! And Notagain, definitely get some use out of that FP! I feel that it was the right typewriter to use for this typecast, because it really just seems like such a "reporter's office" typewriter.

  5. Like your enthousiasm, Matt.

    Have a '61 FP myself, not pink though. Looking forward to your Anbassador. Just got a 'brand new' '67 Hermes 3000 with 'petit-pica' font.

  6. Congratulations on the the interview. That is wicked cool.

  7. That's really awesome. Congrats!
