Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year's Eve! (On Fancy Paper!)


  1. Definitely give your niece a typewriter, you'll be a hero.

    Did I ever tell you that Southworth is a family company started by my one of my great-great-great-great-grandfathers? And they were the first company ever to produce paper especially for typewriters -- they made it for Remington in the 1870s.

  2. No way! That's so cool! (Can you hook me up with some? Haha!)

  3. I wouldn't want to ruin any fantasies, but the Remington DeLuxe 5 has some features superior to the older Streamliner. For one thing, you really have to pay for that shiny black paint and the cool decal; the other Model 5 machines are almost mechanically identical, for a lot less money. I say almost identical because my DeLuxe 5 has a touch regulator -- not found on the shiny, black Streamline model. There has been a lot of talk about repainting typewriters, and I would suggest finding a plain, old Model 5 with bad paint, cleaning it up, and refinishing it with shiny, black paint.

    And, ooh, yes. Love the Southworth paper. I've got a box sitting next to me, right now. Good paper makes personal letters more personal. It's like you really cared to use the good stuff.

  4. What about that pink royal you have? I would think your niece would take a pink typewriter with open arms, yes?

  5. Absolutely not! I love my niece, but that pink Royal is worth about $300.00 and I ain't giving such a rare typer to an eight-year-old! Plus, it types way too nice to even think about selling, let alone giving it away! And MTCoalhopper, I actually had the Deluxe 5 in my head as I was writing this typecast, but I got it mixed up with the Streamliner! I actually would probably prefer the smooth Remington 5, and not the crinkle-paint version, but either one is very nice! I definitely think they are beautiful machines!

  6. I have a Royal circa 1950 that I would like to give away. Please e mail

  7. I had to cringe at your $300 assessment...don't be one of "those" guys that grossly overvalues a typewriter. While I may agree that an eight-year old may not take care of a typewriter, I will have to say, that these machines are pretty darn resilient. Unless your niece is going to drop it on the floor or bash the keys with a hammer, I think the most she'll do is cosmetic damage, if any.

    Not here to ruffle any feathers, but the best thing for a typewriter is daily use, so you are not doing it any favors by not using it. And I too was somewhat awestruck by seeing typers listed for hundreds of I understand, but that feeling will pass in time.

    Hopefully, you'll find something for her.
